Etched Raindrop
Intentional Camera Movement
Etched Raindrop is a collection born from the liberation of intentional camera movement during a time of confinement, and unease where simplified shapes, colors, and forms emerge in their purest essence. Stripped of their defining characteristics and abstracted by motion, these subjects transform into fluid expressions of light and movement, transcending the boundaries of conventional photography.
The intentional movement of the camera creates a dance of light and shadow, capturing moments that evoke a sense of freedom and spontaneity. This technique allows for a painterly approach, where each image becomes a harmonious blend of color and form, inviting viewers to experience a different perspective.
In a world often bound by precision and clarity, these photographs offer an escape into abstraction and simplicity. They encourage a deeper connection with the essence of the subject, inviting contemplation and introspection. Each image is a reminder that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places, and that sometimes, letting go of control can lead to the most profound discoveries
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